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Flows 2024

  FLOWS 2024, first click day on Monday, March 18 Start of applications for non-seasonal employed workers from countries that have migration agreements with Italy From 9 a.m. on Monday, March 18, through the Services Portal - Single Desk for Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior, the first applications can be submitted to have foreign workers arrive in Italy and be hired within the quotas authorized by the government for 2024. This click day is dedicated to non-seasonal employees for certain labor sectors, citizens of countries that have cooperation agreements with Italy on migration. The sectors affected are: trucking, construction, tourism-hotel, mechanics, telecommunications, food, shipbuilding, bus passenger transport, fishing, hairdressers, electricians, and plumbers. The countries that have agreements with Italy are: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ge...

Italian Citizenship : How To Speed Up The Waiting Time

Italian Citizenship The waiting time to get Italian citizenship is rather long. In addition to the period required to meet the legal conditions , foreign citizens are expected to wait for further 2 / 3 years  before having their application to become Italian citizens accepted (4 years with Salvini Law). However, the facts amply demonstrate that two years are not enough and deadlines are hardly ever respected. Foreign citizens may have to wait up to five or six years before receiving a “yes”. The reason for these long bureaucratic waits is the rising demand from foreigners to get  Italian citizenship . On the other hand, there is an inadequate number of people in charge of processing the requests, implemented for this reason a few months ago. Although new laws were made to speed up the process, the waiting time is still extremely long. So here are two tips to help you reduce it or, at least, not exceed the limit of 2 - 3 years required b...

Income required for Italian citizenship

Question: What is the minimum income required to submit the application for Italian citizenship? In the case of application for Italian citizenship for residence under Article 9 of Law 91 of February 5, 1992 it is necessary to possess a personal or family income in the last three years amounted to EUR 8.263,31 for the sole applicant. If the citizenship applicant is part of a family unit, so if he is married or has children, then the minimum income for citizens is increased from € 8.263,31 to € 11.362,05. To the new minimum income of € 11,362.05 requested by the applicant with spouse , you will add up more euro 516,46 for each dependent child. They must accompany the application for Italian citizenship tax models CUD, UNICO, 730 relative to the income of the last three years. And possible to take into account the income of the entire family unit to which the applicant belongs Italian citizen when it is clear that there are other resources that form the income. For th...

Italian Decree regarding flow of immigration

The decree regarding flow of immigration signed The trade unions categories of the agricultural sector anticipate the successful signature of immigration in 2019. According to the information magazine of the Agricultural Category the decree regarding flow of immigration 2019 is finally signed and now it would be in phase of registration with the organ of control of the State: The Court of the Auditors. The solicitations coming from the agricultural companies and from the sector associations of the sector (Coldiretti) would have been decisive in determining the signing of the decree regarding flow of immigration 2019 and that now should wait for the passage of the Court of Auditors and then proceed forwarded for publication in the Official Gazette. A situation created that put crops at risk, this after the high temperatures accelerated the maturation of agricultural products and in particular fruit. The 2019 click day will therefore require the go-ahead ...

Decree on flows 2018

Decree on flows 2018: all there is to know The decree on flows: an explanation With the decree, therefore, the quotas of non-EU immigrants are established in concrete terms, within which the entry is allowed, with some clarifications. In special cases, higher flows are established for citizens coming from countries that have signed agreements with Italy for readmission and for citizens of Italian origin who are registered in special lists located at Italian diplomatic/consular representations abroad. The flows in 2018 What are the quotas established by the Decree on flows 2018 The remaining 12,850 units, on the other hand, are partly reserved for certain categories of workers, in particular self-employed workers, seasonal workers, workers of Italian descent and workers who have taken training courses abroad in accordance with the Article 23 of the “ Testo Unico sulle Immigrazioni” (Consolidation Text on Immigration) ; the remaining part is for conversions . How to ...

Flows seasonal workers, stabilized quotation

Flows Decree There will be a total amount of 17 thousand seasonal workers who will be employed on fixed-term contracts in the sectors of agriculture and tourism-hotel. 2017 began with the new parts communicated by the Ministries of Interior and Labour for foreign seasonal workers who will reach Italy from abroad to be used for a few months in the companies of agricultural sector and tourism -hotel: there are 17,000 totally those authorized by the flows decree which also includes allowances allocated to non-seasonal inputs as well as conversions of residence permits. At the moment this is the only official figure because in reality the text of the flows decree has not yet been published and therefore not available. You have to wait to see the dates on which you can submit online applications ( so-called 'day-click '). decreto flussi 2017 But it is not announced the substantial new about regarding the countries of origin of the workers as it is awaiting th...

Italian residence permit, increase in the application fee

Italian Government raises Residence permit fee From May 2016 the fee to obtain the electronic Residence permit will be increased from the current € 27.50 to € 30.46, and this excludes all other permit-related taxes. Trade unions are on the warpath. The month of May has started with bad news for migrants who intend to apply for an Italian Residence permit . The government, led by Prime Minister Renzi , has decided on a small but concrete increase in the application fee . The new figures The new application fee for the electronic Residence permit , which is obtainable in Italy since last autumn, has been increase to € 24.56, to which one should add the VAT and a fixed postal commission of € 0.5, for a total of € 30,46. This is almost € 3 more than the previous € 27,50 fee. The fees applicable for issue of a new permit or renewal of an expired one stay the same, and vary from € 80 to € 100 depending on the type and the length of the permit. All in all, the cost for a...

The times to get the Italian Citizenship

What Are The Times To Get The Italian Citizenship ? Waiting times to get Italian citizenship vary primarily based on the attainment of minimum requirements. A foreigner who for example marries an Italian citizen , will be able to obtain residency in two years. In case of naturalization , the years required by Italian law are 10. But there are others waiting times that are often not kept in mind by those who want to obtain Italian citizenship. After they have been met the necessary requirements to make the request to become to all Italians citizens effects, you will be further subject to other expectations because of the time required by Italian bureaucracy. According to Law 362 of the 18/04/1994 art.3 , the foreigner who has reached the necessary requirements to advance application for Italian citizenship , will have to wait up to a maximum of 730 days before of being accept the application and become all the effects of a citizen of the country. Unfortunately, the facts sh...

Italy receives the migrants

ITALY RECEIVES THE MIGRANTS SHIPWRECKED IN CRETE Seven hundred people, following the International Migrations Organisation , were on board of the cargo ship Clipper Hebe, which sank near Crete on the 4th of June.  It is one of the worst episodes ever happened in the Mediterrean, which lets us wonder of a very difficult summer, for both the Italian and Greek.  The are only 350 survivors, and as they arrived they told to the Greek Coast Guard, to be on their way to Italy. The authorities of both countries found an agreement as soon as possible, and decided to bring the migrants to Italy. RECEIVED IN THE “BEL PAESE”   President of Council Matteo Renzi , immediatly after hearing the news, gave orders to have the migrants brought to Italy at the Augusta port. In the morning of the 5th June, the 350 survivors finally arrived on the sicilian coast. Migrant Law, Italy The power of attorney of Siracusa has opened the invastigations on the case in or...

Peruvian citizens in Italy without visa

Peruvian citizens in Italy  without visa  (new   italy immigration rules ) Short visits in the Schengen area will be deregulated starting from January 2016 The deregulation concerns short stays (not more than 90 days) in Italy The exemption from the obligation to be provided with an entry visa concerns only the holders of biometric passports  that will be issued starting from November 2015. The  Peruvian community  for number of presences ranks eleventh in Italy The European Commission resolved that the obligation to be provided with a visa is no longer justifiable due to the low level of risk as regards security and illegal migration , also assessing the potential economic benefits for the Countries involved.   Italian Lawyer  - Italian Immigration Blog  

Family joining procedure and residence permit

Foreign nationals applying for family reunification shall also show the availability of a minimum annual income deriving from legal sources and not lower than the annual amount of the social allowance for each family member intending to be reunified. This income parameter is updated every year. The necessary income increases according to the number of family members that intend to be reunified. Following the reassessment of the social cheque for year 2015 ,equal to 5,830.76 euro. The income parametres necessary for joining one or more family members have been updated. In order to apply for family joining it is necessary to have a gross annual income not lower than : € 8,746.14 for the joining of 1 family member € 11,661.52 for the joining of 2 family members € 14,576.9 for the joining of 3 family members Entry visas shall be applied for by foreign nationals regularly residing in Italy by submitting the application for family reunification by using the online pr...

2014 Flows Decree

On 29/12/2014 a new decree was published concerning the programming of entry flows for non-community workers as regards non-seasonal employment. On the basis of the new decree, 17,850 foreign workers will be authorized to enter Italy for non-seasonal subordinate work and autonomous work. The total quota is divided as follows:  1,000 foreign workers that completed training and education programmes in their Countries of origin pursuant to art. 23 of legislative decree n. 286 dated 25 July 1998 ;  2,400 autonomous workers  ;  100 foreign workers, for non-seasonal subordinate work and autonomous work, of Italian origins on the part of at least one of the parents up to third grade in direct line of ancestors, resident in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil.  Italian Lawyer  

Instances of citizenship online from April 2015

Instances of citizenship - questions online from April 2015 The Home Office has announced the activation, from next April, a new system of compiling and submitting applications for citizenship. Currently instances are submitted directly to the Office with a paper model . This will allow a considerable simplification of procedures of citizenship and allow applicants to proceed with the submission of applications from home. Italian Lawyer  

Loss of citizenship

The Italian citizenship can be lost in the following cases    by explicit renunciation in the following cases: If the person resides abroad and holds another citizenship ; Upon the coming of age, if the person holds another citizenship and the Italian citizenship was acquired when the person was a minor following the naturalisation of his/her parents ; Upon the coming of age, following withdrawal of the adoption, if the person holds another citizenship   Automatically in the following cases: In case of withdrawal of the adoption on account of a fact chargeable to the adopted person ; In case the person does not comply with the Government’s order to quit either a public post or the military service in a foreign State Italian Lawyer  

Documents for Italian citizenship

Birth certificate complete with all pertinent data; Police Certificate of country of origin and any third country of residence; Certificate / the town / s residence; Residence permit; Certificate of criminal records and pending charges; Family status; Tax models relative to earnings over the past three years; Receipt of payment of the contribution of € 200.00; Certificate of Italian citizenship of the parent or ascendant in a straight line until the second degree; (art. 9, c.1, letter); Judgement of adoption issued by the Court (Article 9, c.1, letter b); Documentation relating to the provision of the service, even abroad, for the State (Article 9, c.1, lett.c); Certificate of recognition as a stateless person or refugee status; (c.1 article 9, Letter) - article 9 paragraph 1 letter a) and art.16 paragraph 2); Italian Lawyer  

Rights pending the issuance or renewal

Pending the issuance or renewal of residence permit the foreign worker can stay in the territory of the State and temporarily carrying out work up to any communication (also to be notified to the employer) indicating the existence of impediments the issue or renewal of residence permit. The work activities listed above may be carried out under the following conditions: a) that the request for issuing a residence permit for work has been carried out by the foreign worker on conclusion of the residence contract or, in the case of a renewal application is submitted before the permit expires or within sixty days the expiry of the same; b) has been issued by the appropriate office in the receipt confirming the submission of the request for issuance or renewal of the permit Italian Lawyer  

Italian Citizenship

FOLLOWING MARRIAGE TO AN ITALIAN CITIZEN (ARTICLE 5 OF LAW 91/92, as subsequently amended and supplemented) According to article 5 of Law No. 91 of 5th February 1992, citizenship can be granted following marriage, provided the following conditions are met: 1. The foreign or stateless applicant must be married to an Italian citizen for at least 2 years and he/she must have his/her legal residence in a municipality of the Province for at least 2 years from the date of the marriage. Legal residence means that the applicant must be enrolled in the register of the population and at the same time he/she must hold a valid permit to stay . 2. If the spouses reside abroad, the application can be submitted three years after the date of the marriage. 3. The above periods are reduced by half if the spouses have natural or adopted children 4. Until the adoption of the decree granting citizenship the spouses must not be legally separated and there must not be dissolution or nullity o...

Legally enter and stay in Italy

LEGALLY ENTER AND STAY IN ITALY Tourism: in order to enter into our Country the foreign national must show a valid passport upon crossing the border. This kind of permit does not allow to perform a job. Study: a visa for study can be applied for at the Italian Embassy in the foreigner’s country of residence. Its validity is equivalent to the length of the course he/she intends to follow; in any case, it must not exceed one year. Family reunification: it is possible be granted this permit when the applicant is a regularly residing foreigner who holds a residence card or valid permit of residence for subordinate work, for self-employment, for asylum or for religious reasons: its duration must not shorter than one year. Work: upon his entry into Italy, the foreign national must hold a visa for work that is issued keeping into account entry flows quotas established by decrees that are issued every year. Permits for work relate to subordinate work, self-employment and seaso...