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Flows 2024

  FLOWS 2024, first click day on Monday, March 18 Start of applications for non-seasonal employed workers from countries that have migration agreements with Italy From 9 a.m. on Monday, March 18, through the Services Portal - Single Desk for Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior, the first applications can be submitted to have foreign workers arrive in Italy and be hired within the quotas authorized by the government for 2024. This click day is dedicated to non-seasonal employees for certain labor sectors, citizens of countries that have cooperation agreements with Italy on migration. The sectors affected are: trucking, construction, tourism-hotel, mechanics, telecommunications, food, shipbuilding, bus passenger transport, fishing, hairdressers, electricians, and plumbers. The countries that have agreements with Italy are: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ge...

2021 2022 flows decree

The 2021 Decreto Flussi is underway. The Flows decree 2021 will be published in the Official Journal in a matter of days. Applications can be presented from 9 AM on the tenth (and fifteenth) day from the publication in the Official Gazette. The decree provides access to the labour market for 69,700 non-EU foreign citizens. The numbers will be divided as follows: - 17,000 non-seasonal employees in transporting goods for third parties, construction and tourism/hotel sectors from the following countries : Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, Guatemala, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine; - 3,000 non-seasonal subordinate workers in the sectors of freight transport for third parties, construction and hotel tourism from countries w...

2021 flows decree

  2021 flows decree to be issued as soon as possible The Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies is pushing for the issuing of a new seasonal flows decree for 2021. The extension of the expiry date of residence permits to 31 July 2021 is a positive step, but it is not enough! "The extension to 31 July of residence permits expiring for about 30,000 regular non-EU workers, who arrived with the past 'flow decrees', is an important support for agricultural businesses who complain of a lack of seasonal labour due to the Covid-19. It is now necessary to issue the ' flows decree 2021' as soon as possible and to push for the 'active quarantine' that has worked in other European countries". Foreigners' amnesty: only five hundred foreign farmers registered "It is estimated that the 'amnesty of the invisibles', about which we expressed all our perplexity from the beginning, has allowed the regularisation of just 500 agricul...

Italian Decree regarding flow of immigration

The decree regarding flow of immigration signed The trade unions categories of the agricultural sector anticipate the successful signature of immigration in 2019. According to the information magazine of the Agricultural Category the decree regarding flow of immigration 2019 is finally signed and now it would be in phase of registration with the organ of control of the State: The Court of the Auditors. The solicitations coming from the agricultural companies and from the sector associations of the sector (Coldiretti) would have been decisive in determining the signing of the decree regarding flow of immigration 2019 and that now should wait for the passage of the Court of Auditors and then proceed forwarded for publication in the Official Gazette. A situation created that put crops at risk, this after the high temperatures accelerated the maturation of agricultural products and in particular fruit. The 2019 click day will therefore require the go-ahead ...

Decree on flows 2018

Decree on flows 2018: all there is to know The decree on flows: an explanation With the decree, therefore, the quotas of non-EU immigrants are established in concrete terms, within which the entry is allowed, with some clarifications. In special cases, higher flows are established for citizens coming from countries that have signed agreements with Italy for readmission and for citizens of Italian origin who are registered in special lists located at Italian diplomatic/consular representations abroad. The flows in 2018 What are the quotas established by the Decree on flows 2018 The remaining 12,850 units, on the other hand, are partly reserved for certain categories of workers, in particular self-employed workers, seasonal workers, workers of Italian descent and workers who have taken training courses abroad in accordance with the Article 23 of the “ Testo Unico sulle Immigrazioni” (Consolidation Text on Immigration) ; the remaining part is for conversions . How to ...

Flows seasonal workers, stabilized quotation

Flows Decree There will be a total amount of 17 thousand seasonal workers who will be employed on fixed-term contracts in the sectors of agriculture and tourism-hotel. 2017 began with the new parts communicated by the Ministries of Interior and Labour for foreign seasonal workers who will reach Italy from abroad to be used for a few months in the companies of agricultural sector and tourism -hotel: there are 17,000 totally those authorized by the flows decree which also includes allowances allocated to non-seasonal inputs as well as conversions of residence permits. At the moment this is the only official figure because in reality the text of the flows decree has not yet been published and therefore not available. You have to wait to see the dates on which you can submit online applications ( so-called 'day-click '). decreto flussi 2017 But it is not announced the substantial new about regarding the countries of origin of the workers as it is awaiting th...

2014 Flows Decree

On 29/12/2014 a new decree was published concerning the programming of entry flows for non-community workers as regards non-seasonal employment. On the basis of the new decree, 17,850 foreign workers will be authorized to enter Italy for non-seasonal subordinate work and autonomous work. The total quota is divided as follows:  1,000 foreign workers that completed training and education programmes in their Countries of origin pursuant to art. 23 of legislative decree n. 286 dated 25 July 1998 ;  2,400 autonomous workers  ;  100 foreign workers, for non-seasonal subordinate work and autonomous work, of Italian origins on the part of at least one of the parents up to third grade in direct line of ancestors, resident in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil.  Italian Lawyer