Birth certificate complete with all pertinent data;
Police Certificate of country of origin and any third country of residence;
Certificate / the town / s residence;
Residence permit;
Certificate of criminal records and pending charges;
Family status;
Tax models relative to earnings over the past three years;
Receipt of payment of the contribution of € 200.00;
Certificate of Italian citizenship of the parent or ascendant in a straight line until the second degree; (art. 9, c.1, letter);
Judgement of adoption issued by the Court (Article 9, c.1, letter b);
Documentation relating to the provision of the service, even abroad, for the State (Article 9, c.1, lett.c);
Certificate of recognition as a stateless person or refugee status; (c.1 article 9, Letter) - article 9 paragraph 1 letter a) and art.16 paragraph 2);
Italian Lawyer
Police Certificate of country of origin and any third country of residence;
Certificate / the town / s residence;
Residence permit;
Certificate of criminal records and pending charges;
Family status;
Tax models relative to earnings over the past three years;
Receipt of payment of the contribution of € 200.00;
Certificate of Italian citizenship of the parent or ascendant in a straight line until the second degree; (art. 9, c.1, letter);
Judgement of adoption issued by the Court (Article 9, c.1, letter b);
Documentation relating to the provision of the service, even abroad, for the State (Article 9, c.1, lett.c);
Certificate of recognition as a stateless person or refugee status; (c.1 article 9, Letter) - article 9 paragraph 1 letter a) and art.16 paragraph 2);
Italian Lawyer