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The times to get the Italian Citizenship

What Are The Times To Get The Italian Citizenship ?

Waiting times to get Italian citizenship vary primarily based on the attainment of minimum requirements. A foreigner who for example marries an Italian citizen, will be able to obtain residency in two years. In case of naturalization, the years required by Italian law are 10.

But there are others waiting times that are often not kept in mind by those who want to obtain Italian citizenship. After they have been met the necessary requirements to make the request to become to all Italians citizens effects, you will be further subject to other expectations because of the time required by Italian bureaucracy.

According to Law 362 of the 18/04/1994 art.3, the foreigner who has reached the necessary requirements to advance application for Italian citizenship, will have to wait up to a maximum of 730 days before of being accept the application and become all the effects of a citizen of the country.

Unfortunately, the facts show a very different reality.

The extra-EU citizen who is in a position to put forward a formal request, will have to undergo even more time than was already provided for by law. In fact, on average, spend 4/5 years before they see notify the grant.

These practices remain for years waiting to be inspected by the competent bodies, but then, when that happens, that errors or inaccuracies are found not on the demand for Italian citizenship, which will reject the request and will force the stranger to make over again their request.

With the assistance of an experienced immigration attorney can obtain Italian citizenship within two years (730 days from the application) speeding up the definition of the granting of citizenship

Tempi di attesa della cittadinanza italiana

  Italian Lawyer - Italian Immigration Blog


Avv. Angelo Massaro ha detto…

I applied for the Italian citizenship on .. at the Italian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, UAE. After almost 18 months I have been stuck in step 3 " L'istruttoria è completa; la domanda è in fase di valutazione" for more than one year.

Most recently I sent via, email, fax and courier a letter asking about my status, but I received no reply.

What services can you provide for a person like me and what are the fees for those services.

Thank you
Unknown ha detto…

I am exactly in the same condition. I had sent through my application on 14/08/2014 and it has already been over 2 years and still waiting for to be granted.

Do you think having been sent a letter signed off by an attorney could speed up the procedure?


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