Decree on flows 2018: all there is to know
The decree on flows: an explanation
With the decree, therefore, the quotas of non-EU immigrants are established in concrete terms, within which the entry is allowed, with some clarifications. In special cases, higher flows are established for citizens coming from countries that have signed agreements with Italy for readmission and for citizens of Italian origin who are registered in special lists located at Italian diplomatic/consular representations abroad.
The flows in 2018
What are the quotas established by the Decree on flows 2018
The remaining 12,850 units, on the other hand, are partly reserved for certain categories of workers, in particular self-employed workers, seasonal workers, workers of Italian descent and workers who have taken training courses abroad in accordance with the Article 23 of the “Testo Unico sulle Immigrazioni” (Consolidation Text on Immigration); the remaining part is for conversions.
How to present the request
All documentation certifying these requirements must be delivered to the "Sportello Unico" (One-Stop Shop) when you are called to sign the residence contract.
Every year, the Government with the decree on flows 2018, establishes the number of entries in Italy of non-EU foreign citizens, for reasons of self-employment or seasonal work.
The decree on flows 2018 has been approved by the Government and signed on the 15 December 2017 by the President of the Council of Ministers, and is currently being examined by the supervisory bodies regarding the stamp and subsequent registration.
For the publication in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, however, we will have to wait until the second half of January 2018.
The maximum quotas established by the decree on flows 2018 is of 30.850 units, of which 18,000 are reserved for seasonal work entries.
The procedure for submitting the request has been handled electronically for several years, so it is sufficient to do it independently with a connection to the website of the Ministry of the Interior, or to contact one of the patronates present throughout Italy and which offer the service for free .
To present the request, certain requirements must be met:
- A subsistence of a minimum income that allows sustenance;
Approfondimento : decreto flussi 2018
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