How to apply from 18th to 19th birthday (Council) A person born in Italy of immigrant parents has a privileged procedure to follow in becoming an Italian citizen. This privilege, however, is only valid for a year, from the moment the person reaches the legal age. According to Italian Law, whoever is born in Italy of immigrant parents doesn’t automatically acquire Italian citizenship. The child maintains the parents’ citizenship until he/she reaches the legal age. Let's see in detail the legal procedure to be followed by one who was born in Italy to immigrant parents and would like to become an Italian citizen. The Italian citizenship is regulated by Law no. 91/92 which states that a foreigner who was born in Italy, and has been residing legally and uninterruptedly in the country from birth up to the legal age, becomes an Italian citizen by making an explicit statement of will to acquire Italian citizenship within a year of reaching the legal age. (Article 4, paragraph 2 of ...
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