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Citizenship : How to apply from 18th to 19th birthday

How to apply from 18th to 19th birthday (Council) A person born in Italy of immigrant parents has a privileged procedure to follow in becoming an Italian citizen. This privilege, however, is only valid for a year, from the moment the person reaches the legal age. According to Italian Law, whoever is born in Italy of immigrant parents doesn’t automatically acquire Italian citizenship. The child maintains the parents’ citizenship until he/she reaches the legal age. Let's see in detail the legal procedure to be followed by one who was born in Italy to immigrant parents and would like to become an Italian citizen. The Italian citizenship is regulated by Law no. 91/92 which states that a foreigner who was born in Italy, and has been residing legally and uninterruptedly in the country from birth up to the legal age, becomes an Italian citizen by making an explicit statement of will to acquire Italian citizenship within a year of reaching the legal age. (Article 4, paragraph 2 of ...

Obtener la Ciudadanía Italiana

Los ciudadanos extranjeros que residen en Italia y desean ser naturalizados com Italianos deben tener obligatoriamente por ley 10 años de residencia regular antes de solicitar la ciudadanía; para los refugiados cinco años de residencia y 4 años para los europeos . El solicitante para obtener la Ciudadanía Italiana deberá completar el formulario B en la página online del Ministerio del Interior creando en primer lugar una identificación SPID Aquí la lista de todos los documentos tendrá que enviar online a la Prefectura : Marca da bollo € 16,00; Recibo del pagamento de € 250.00; obtener la Ciudadanía Italiana   Certificado de nacimiento: el solicitante debe tener el certificado de nacimiento, donde se indican todos los detalles de su identidad, incluida la de los padres. En caso de que la solicitante sea mujer y use el apellido del certificado de matrimonio que no se encuentra en el certificado de nacimiento, tendrá que enviar además la copia original y certif...

Bulgarian Citizenship

Bulgarian Citizenship: living and working in Bulgaria Lately, Bulgaria has become the destination of many people. Life is cheaper, you can make good investments at low prices and, for us the Italians, it still means to live in Europe. You can live in Bulgaria as mere residents or you can decide to take the citizenship . If you want to move permanently the last option is the one that suits you. How to acquire the Bulgarian citizenship? First, you must apply for the permanent residence , which lasts for a year and shall be renewed for 5 consecutive years. That's the basic standard time to acquire the Bulgarian citizenship and passport. Bulgarian Citizenship: living and working in Bulgaria The Country also requires to be able to speak a fluent Bulgarian language and, therefore, there will be a language skill test. As aspiring citizens, you must also demonstrate to have an income. Keep a clean criminal record, or your Bulgarian citizenship appli...

Immigration, more Italian citizenship than the residency permission

The italian passport and on the other hand the residency permission. Citizenship , Italian passport , Residency permission immigration italy , more italian citizenship than the residency. Official numbers confirm that having the Italian citizenship is much more easier than having residency permission in the last years . The number of foreigners that have the Italian citizenship becomes more every year : in 2012 was 60 thousand , in 2014 was 120 thousand and in 2015 was 178 thousand. That confirms the 22 relation about the migration of the foundation Ismu that photographs a situation : it’s too easy for a migrant to apply for the Italian citizenship to stay in Italia and this is easier than waiting for the EU to give a residency that takes a lot of time . It’s not a case that in many Italian regions in 2015 and in 2016 have been registered an increase in the requests for citizenship like a drop instead of the requests for the residency permission . the ...