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Legally enter and stay in Italy


Tourism: in order to enter into our Country the foreign national must show a valid passport upon crossing the border. This kind of permit does not allow to perform a job.

a visa for study can be applied for at the Italian Embassy in the foreigner’s country of residence. Its validity is equivalent to the length of the course he/she intends to follow; in any case, it must not exceed one year.

Family reunification:
it is possible be granted this permit when the applicant is a regularly residing foreigner who holds a residence card or valid permit of residence for subordinate work, for self-employment, for asylum or for religious reasons: its duration must not shorter than one year.

Work: upon his entry into Italy, the foreign national must hold a visa for work that is issued keeping into account entry flows quotas established by decrees that are issued every year.
Permits for work relate to subordinate work, self-employment and seasonal work.

-In order to establish a permanent, fixed-term or seasonal subordinate work relationship with a third-country national who resides abroad, the Italian or regularly residing foreign employer must submit a ad hoc request for authorization, bearing the name of the person, to the “Single Desk for Immigration” that is competent in the place where the job will be performed.

-The foreign national who intends to carry out an industrial, professional, craftsmanship or commercial permanent self-employment job, or intends to establish a joint-stock or partnership company or to take up posts in a company must possess the moral and professional requirements that law requires from Italian citizens for performing their activities.

Italian Lawyer


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