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Peruvian citizens in Italy without visa

Peruvian citizens in Italy without visa (new italy immigration rules)

Short visits in the Schengen area will be deregulated starting from January 2016

The deregulation concerns short stays (not more than 90 days) in Italy

The exemption from the obligation to be provided with an entry visa concerns only the holders of biometric passports that will be issued starting from November 2015.

The Peruvian community for number of presences ranks eleventh in Italy

The European Commission resolved that the obligation to be provided with a visa is no longer justifiable due to the low level of risk as regards security and illegal migration, also assessing the potential economic benefits for the Countries involved.

  Italian Lawyer - Italian Immigration Blog


Anonimo ha detto…
The word immigration comes from migration means to move from one place to another or you can say one country to another by means of permanent shifting.You will read on passport IMMIGRATION CHECK REQUIRED. Means the authority has to give clearance if a person moves out of country.Tax payers are exempted from Immigration check.
canadian immigration lawyer

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