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Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta Italian citizenship

Italian Citizenship : How To Speed Up The Waiting Time

Italian Citizenship The waiting time to get Italian citizenship is rather long. In addition to the period required to meet the legal conditions , foreign citizens are expected to wait for further 2 / 3 years  before having their application to become Italian citizens accepted (4 years with Salvini Law). However, the facts amply demonstrate that two years are not enough and deadlines are hardly ever respected. Foreign citizens may have to wait up to five or six years before receiving a “yes”. The reason for these long bureaucratic waits is the rising demand from foreigners to get  Italian citizenship . On the other hand, there is an inadequate number of people in charge of processing the requests, implemented for this reason a few months ago. Although new laws were made to speed up the process, the waiting time is still extremely long. So here are two tips to help you reduce it or, at least, not exceed the limit of 2 - 3 years required b...

Becoming Italian citizens after getting married

Becoming Italian citizens after getting married is possible , however, this can only be done if one is to respect and follow the rules provided by the Act 91/1992 .  According to the act 91 of 1992 , which is currently in function, Italian citizenship can be obtained through matrimony. The request must be submitted to the Prefect of the territory where the residence of the applicant currently is. Meanwhile, if the foreigner consort is residing abroad, the submission must be presented to the consular office of the territory in question. In addition to that, the decree granting citizenship will be signed by the Head of Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration. As stated by the act, precisely at the article 5: “ The consort, foreign or stateless, of an Italian citizen may acquire Italian citizenship after having been legally (for a period of two years ) in the territory of the Republic following his marriage. Or, after three years from the date of the marriage ...

Income required for Italian citizenship

Question: What is the minimum income required to submit the application for Italian citizenship? In the case of application for Italian citizenship for residence under Article 9 of Law 91 of February 5, 1992 it is necessary to possess a personal or family income in the last three years amounted to EUR 8.263,31 for the sole applicant. If the citizenship applicant is part of a family unit, so if he is married or has children, then the minimum income for citizens is increased from € 8.263,31 to € 11.362,05. To the new minimum income of € 11,362.05 requested by the applicant with spouse , you will add up more euro 516,46 for each dependent child. They must accompany the application for Italian citizenship tax models CUD, UNICO, 730 relative to the income of the last three years. And possible to take into account the income of the entire family unit to which the applicant belongs Italian citizen when it is clear that there are other resources that form the income. For th...

Obtener la Ciudadanía Italiana

Los ciudadanos extranjeros que residen en Italia y desean ser naturalizados com Italianos deben tener obligatoriamente por ley 10 años de residencia regular antes de solicitar la ciudadanía; para los refugiados cinco años de residencia y 4 años para los europeos . El solicitante para obtener la Ciudadanía Italiana deberá completar el formulario B en la página online del Ministerio del Interior creando en primer lugar una identificación SPID Aquí la lista de todos los documentos tendrá que enviar online a la Prefectura : Marca da bollo € 16,00; Recibo del pagamento de € 250.00; obtener la Ciudadanía Italiana   Certificado de nacimiento: el solicitante debe tener el certificado de nacimiento, donde se indican todos los detalles de su identidad, incluida la de los padres. En caso de que la solicitante sea mujer y use el apellido del certificado de matrimonio que no se encuentra en el certificado de nacimiento, tendrá que enviar además la copia original y certif...

Immigration, more Italian citizenship than the residency permission

The italian passport and on the other hand the residency permission. Citizenship , Italian passport , Residency permission immigration italy , more italian citizenship than the residency. Official numbers confirm that having the Italian citizenship is much more easier than having residency permission in the last years . The number of foreigners that have the Italian citizenship becomes more every year : in 2012 was 60 thousand , in 2014 was 120 thousand and in 2015 was 178 thousand. That confirms the 22 relation about the migration of the foundation Ismu that photographs a situation : it’s too easy for a migrant to apply for the Italian citizenship to stay in Italia and this is easier than waiting for the EU to give a residency that takes a lot of time . It’s not a case that in many Italian regions in 2015 and in 2016 have been registered an increase in the requests for citizenship like a drop instead of the requests for the residency permission . the ...

The times to get the Italian Citizenship

What Are The Times To Get The Italian Citizenship ? Waiting times to get Italian citizenship vary primarily based on the attainment of minimum requirements. A foreigner who for example marries an Italian citizen , will be able to obtain residency in two years. In case of naturalization , the years required by Italian law are 10. But there are others waiting times that are often not kept in mind by those who want to obtain Italian citizenship. After they have been met the necessary requirements to make the request to become to all Italians citizens effects, you will be further subject to other expectations because of the time required by Italian bureaucracy. According to Law 362 of the 18/04/1994 art.3 , the foreigner who has reached the necessary requirements to advance application for Italian citizenship , will have to wait up to a maximum of 730 days before of being accept the application and become all the effects of a citizen of the country. Unfortunately, the facts sh...

Instances of citizenship online from April 2015

Instances of citizenship - questions online from April 2015 The Home Office has announced the activation, from next April, a new system of compiling and submitting applications for citizenship. Currently instances are submitted directly to the Office with a paper model . This will allow a considerable simplification of procedures of citizenship and allow applicants to proceed with the submission of applications from home. Italian Lawyer  

Loss of citizenship

The Italian citizenship can be lost in the following cases    by explicit renunciation in the following cases: If the person resides abroad and holds another citizenship ; Upon the coming of age, if the person holds another citizenship and the Italian citizenship was acquired when the person was a minor following the naturalisation of his/her parents ; Upon the coming of age, following withdrawal of the adoption, if the person holds another citizenship   Automatically in the following cases: In case of withdrawal of the adoption on account of a fact chargeable to the adopted person ; In case the person does not comply with the Government’s order to quit either a public post or the military service in a foreign State Italian Lawyer  

Documents for Italian citizenship

Birth certificate complete with all pertinent data; Police Certificate of country of origin and any third country of residence; Certificate / the town / s residence; Residence permit; Certificate of criminal records and pending charges; Family status; Tax models relative to earnings over the past three years; Receipt of payment of the contribution of € 200.00; Certificate of Italian citizenship of the parent or ascendant in a straight line until the second degree; (art. 9, c.1, letter); Judgement of adoption issued by the Court (Article 9, c.1, letter b); Documentation relating to the provision of the service, even abroad, for the State (Article 9, c.1, lett.c); Certificate of recognition as a stateless person or refugee status; (c.1 article 9, Letter) - article 9 paragraph 1 letter a) and art.16 paragraph 2); Italian Lawyer  

Italian Citizenship

FOLLOWING MARRIAGE TO AN ITALIAN CITIZEN (ARTICLE 5 OF LAW 91/92, as subsequently amended and supplemented) According to article 5 of Law No. 91 of 5th February 1992, citizenship can be granted following marriage, provided the following conditions are met: 1. The foreign or stateless applicant must be married to an Italian citizen for at least 2 years and he/she must have his/her legal residence in a municipality of the Province for at least 2 years from the date of the marriage. Legal residence means that the applicant must be enrolled in the register of the population and at the same time he/she must hold a valid permit to stay . 2. If the spouses reside abroad, the application can be submitted three years after the date of the marriage. 3. The above periods are reduced by half if the spouses have natural or adopted children 4. Until the adoption of the decree granting citizenship the spouses must not be legally separated and there must not be dissolution or nullity o...