FOLLOWING MARRIAGE TO AN ITALIAN CITIZEN (ARTICLE 5 OF LAW 91/92, as subsequently amended and supplemented)
According to article 5 of Law No. 91 of 5th February 1992, citizenship can be granted following marriage, provided the following conditions are met:
1. The foreign or stateless applicant must be married to an Italian citizen for at least 2 years and he/she must have his/her legal residence in a municipality of the Province for at least 2 years from the date of the marriage.
Legal residence means that the applicant must be enrolled in the register of the population and at the same time he/she must hold a valid permit to stay.
2. If the spouses reside abroad, the application can be submitted three years after the date of the marriage.
3. The above periods are reduced by half if the spouses have natural or adopted children
4. Until the adoption of the decree granting citizenship the spouses must not be legally separated and there must not be dissolution or nullity of the marriage or cessation of its civilian effects
(ART. 9 OF LAW 91/92, as subsequently amended and complemented)
According to article 9 of Law No. 91 of 5th February 1992, citizenship can be granted:
* To an alien who has legally resided for at least 10 years on the Italian territory
* To an European Union national, provided he/she has legally resided for at least four years on the Italian territory
* To a statelss person or to a refugee who has legally resided for at least five years on the Italian territory
* To an alien whose father or mother or one of his/her grandfathers or grandmothers had been citizen by birth or to an alien who was born on the territory of the Republic and who has been legally residing there for at least three years, in both cases
* To an alien of full age adopted by an Italian citizen and who has legally resided on the Italian territory for at least five years after the adoption
* To an alien who served the Italian State, even from abroad, for at least five years
Italian Lawyer
According to article 5 of Law No. 91 of 5th February 1992, citizenship can be granted following marriage, provided the following conditions are met:
1. The foreign or stateless applicant must be married to an Italian citizen for at least 2 years and he/she must have his/her legal residence in a municipality of the Province for at least 2 years from the date of the marriage.
Legal residence means that the applicant must be enrolled in the register of the population and at the same time he/she must hold a valid permit to stay.
2. If the spouses reside abroad, the application can be submitted three years after the date of the marriage.
3. The above periods are reduced by half if the spouses have natural or adopted children
4. Until the adoption of the decree granting citizenship the spouses must not be legally separated and there must not be dissolution or nullity of the marriage or cessation of its civilian effects
(ART. 9 OF LAW 91/92, as subsequently amended and complemented)
According to article 9 of Law No. 91 of 5th February 1992, citizenship can be granted:
* To an alien who has legally resided for at least 10 years on the Italian territory
* To an European Union national, provided he/she has legally resided for at least four years on the Italian territory
* To a statelss person or to a refugee who has legally resided for at least five years on the Italian territory
* To an alien whose father or mother or one of his/her grandfathers or grandmothers had been citizen by birth or to an alien who was born on the territory of the Republic and who has been legally residing there for at least three years, in both cases
* To an alien of full age adopted by an Italian citizen and who has legally resided on the Italian territory for at least five years after the adoption
* To an alien who served the Italian State, even from abroad, for at least five years
Italian Lawyer
Se sospetto che un cittadino straniero abbi sposato un cittadino Italiano solo per ottenere la cittadinanaza, cosa posso fare per rendere l'investigazione fatta dalle autorita` piu` profonda? O diciamo aiutare questo cittadino Italiano?
Grazie dell'aiuto,