The 2021
Decreto Flussi is underway.
The Flows decree 2021 will be published in the
Official Journal in a matter of days. Applications can be presented from 9 AM
on the tenth (and fifteenth) day from the publication in the Official Gazette.
The decree provides access to the labour market for
69,700 non-EU foreign citizens. The numbers will be divided as follows:
- 17,000 non-seasonal employees in transporting goods for third parties, construction and tourism/hotel sectors from the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, Guatemala, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine;
- 3,000 non-seasonal subordinate workers in the sectors of freight transport for third parties, construction and hotel tourism from countries with which cooperation agreements on migration will be signed in 2022;
- 100 subordinate or self-employed workers of
Italian descent and resident in Venezuela;
- 4,400 conversions from a residence permit for
seasonal work to non-seasonal subordinate work;
- 2,000 conversions from study, internship, and
professional training to subordinate work;
- 370 conversions from study, internship, and
professional training to self-employment;
- 200 conversions into a residence permit for
subordinate work from EU long-term permits issued by other EU Member States;
- 30 conversions into residence permits for
self-employed from EU long-term permits issued by other EU Member States;
- 42,000 openings will be allocated to seasonal
work in the agricultural and tourism/hotel sectors for non-EU citizens from the
following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, Guatemala, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine;
Of this quota:
- 1,000 are reserved for people who have already
been in Italy for seasonal work in the last five years and for whom the
employer submits an authorization request for a multiple-year entry.
- 14,000 are reserved for the agricultural sector
for which the employer can present an application via Cia, Coldiretti,
Confagricoltura, Copagri, Alleanza delle Cooperative.
Furthermore, there are 500 openings for
self-employment for freelancers, creators of innovative start-ups, well-known
artists, entrepreneurs willing to invest in Italy at least 500,000 euros and
create at least three job opportunities, holders of administrative and
supervision power within a corporation.
The methods for submitting applications and
detailed instructions are not yet available and will be contained in
forthcoming ministerial updates. Finally, all the quotas will be distributed
throughout the territory, based on measures that will be clarified shortly.